Поръчки: Посреднически услуги по предоставяне на помощен персонал за офиси

Една архивирана обществена поръчка

Неотдавнашни обществени поръчки на посреднически услуги по предоставяне на помощен персонал за офиси в България

2019-08-08   Information Services, Consultancy and Assistance to Communication Activities for the Information Centre of the EC... (European Commission, COMM — Communication, COMM.DGA1.C.SO -Sofia – Representation in Bulgaria)
The general objective of the centre is to provide quality information services about the European Union (EU) for the general public, policy makers and the media: to inform European citizens about the EU, the European institutions and policies, and, in particular, about the rights of EU citizens and the EU’s priorities. Contracting authority is seeking a qualified and experienced contractor to provide information and assistance services for the EU information centre. Преглед на обществените поръчки »
Споменати доставчици: Evropa v Dvijenie