Доставчик: Ecosol Bulgaria AD

2 архивирани обществени поръчки

Скорошни обществени поръчки, в които е споменат доставчикът Ecosol Bulgaria AD

2021-09-03   Supply of multipurpose excavator (Kostinbrod Municipality)
The tender procedure provides for the purchase of specialized equipment for floods prevention by the Municipality of Kostinbrod according to the detailed technical specification. The contract consists of the supply of equipment by Kostinbrod Municipality, financed under the INTERREG-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Programme 2014 – 2020, location: Kostinbrod Municipality. The subject of delivery is a multipurpose excavator with the following characteristics: Engine power: Min 125 kW; Piston displacement: Max 5. … Преглед на обществените поръчки »
Споменати доставчици: Ecosol Bulgaria AD
2021-03-24   Supply of one Backhoe Loader within Project No CB007.2.32.199 ‘Embrace Nature’, Financed by the European Union in... (Municipality of Bobov dol)
The subject of the contract is the supply, maintenance and warranty service by the contractor of one self-propelled heavy equipment vehicle, namely a backhoe loader that integrates wheel loader and excavator main characteristics and consists of a tractor-like unit fitted with a loader-style shovel/bucket on the front and a backhoe on the back.The equipment must comply fully with the technical specifications set out in the tender dossier (technical annex) and conform in all respects with the drawings, … Преглед на обществените поръчки »
Споменати доставчици: Ecosol Bulgaria AD