Доставчик: Foundation for Regional Development

Една архивирана обществена поръчка

Скорошни обществени поръчки, в които е споменат доставчикът Foundation for Regional Development

2015-01-12   Hosting services for the European Union Information Centre in Sofia, Bulgaria — PO/2015-02/SOF (European Commission, Directorate-General for Communication, Representation in Sofia)
The EU House in Sofia has a 'European Union Information Centre', referred below as the 'Centre'. The general objective of the Centre is to provide quality information services about the European Union (EU) for the general public, policymakers and the media: to inform European citizens about the EU, the European institutions and policies, and, in particular, about the rights of EU citizens and the EU's priorities. The specific purpose of the Centre is to provide visitors, visiting groups and participants … Преглед на обществените поръчки »
Споменати доставчици: Foundation for Regional Development