Bulgaria — Provision of services and supplies associated with the communication activities of the Information Office of the European Parliament in Bulgaria — 5 lots: catering, public relations, graphic design/printing, recording/editorial work, special events

European Parliament, Directorate-General for Communication, Directorate B 'Information Offices', Information Office in Bulgaria

The European Parliament has decided to launch this invitation to tender in order to enter into 1 or more framework contracts with external contractors for the provision of recurring services required to support and implement the information and communication activities of the Sofia Information Office. The contract will run for 4 years in total. Execution of the contract shall only begin once the framework contract has been signed. Any contract renewal will be made in advance with the conditions laid down in the contract.
The tender is divided into 5 lots; lot 3 is itself divided into 3 sub-lots. Tenderers are permitted to submit a tender for 1 or more lots or sub-lots, as applicable. The lots and the sub-lots are independent and may be awarded to different tenderers. The European Parliament reserves the right to award only 1 lot or sub-lot, or only part of the estimated total quantity.

Краен срок
Срокът за получаване на офертите беше 2013-12-09. Обществената поръчка беше публикувана на 2013-10-22.

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История на обществените поръчки
Дата Документ
2013-10-22 Обявление за поръчка
2014-06-30 Обявление за възлагане на поръчка