Поръчки: Услуги по посрещане

6 архивирани обществени поръчки

Неотдавнашни обществени поръчки на услуги по посрещане в България

2022-11-10   Security Guard and Reception/Switchboard Services for the EU-House in Bulgaria (European Commission, Directorate-General for Communication (COMM), Representation in Bulgaria, COMM.DGA1.C.SO – Sofia)
The European Commission Representation in Bulgaria, also on behalf of the European Parliament Information Office, is looking for security guard and reception/switchboard services for the EU-House in Sofia. The objective is the provision of a uniformed and trained, unarmed, security guard service to perform routine protective and access control duties and reception/switchboard services. Преглед на обществените поръчки »
Споменати доставчици: Force Delta OOD
2019-08-08   Information Services, Consultancy and Assistance to Communication Activities for the Information Centre of the EC... (European Commission, COMM — Communication, COMM.DGA1.C.SO -Sofia – Representation in Bulgaria)
The general objective of the centre is to provide quality information services about the European Union (EU) for the general public, policy makers and the media: to inform European citizens about the EU, the European institutions and policies, and, in particular, about the rights of EU citizens and the EU’s priorities. Contracting authority is seeking a qualified and experienced contractor to provide information and assistance services for the EU information centre. Преглед на обществените поръчки »
Споменати доставчици: Evropa v Dvijenie
2018-08-01   Security Guard and Reception/Switchboard services for the EU-House in Sofia, Bulgaria (European Commission Representation in Bulgaria)
Security guard and reception/switchboard services for the EU-House in Sofia, Bulgaria Преглед на обществените поръчки »
Споменати доставчици: Force Delta” OOD
2015-01-12   Hosting services for the European Union Information Centre in Sofia, Bulgaria — PO/2015-02/SOF (European Commission, Directorate-General for Communication, Representation in Sofia)
The EU House in Sofia has a 'European Union Information Centre', referred below as the 'Centre'. The general objective of the Centre is to provide quality information services about the European Union (EU) for the general public, policymakers and the media: to inform European citizens about the EU, the European institutions and policies, and, in particular, about the rights of EU citizens and the EU's priorities. The specific purpose of the Centre is to provide visitors, visiting groups and participants … Преглед на обществените поръчки »
Споменати доставчици: Foundation for Regional Development
2013-05-15   “Изпълнение на мерки за информация и публичност в рамките на проект - Интегриран проект за водите на гр. Пловдив – Етап I” (Община Пловдив)
Настоящата обществена поръчка се възлага в изпълнение на проект: "Интегриран проект за водите на град Пловдив - Етап I”, финансиран от Кохезионен фонд на Европейския съюз и правителството на Р. България чрез Оперативна програма Околна среда 2007 – 2013. Община Пловдив в ролята на Бенефициент по проекта следва да възложи изпълнението на набор от надлежни мерки за ефективно информиране на обществото относно всички въпроси, свързани с осигуряването на информация и публичност на ниво проект. Предмет на … Преглед на обществените поръчки »
2013-03-08   Security guard and reception services for the joint premises of the European Parliament Information Office and the... (European Commission Representation in Bulgaria)
The European Parliament Information Office and the European Commission Representation in Bulgaria occupy joint premises in Sofia. The subject of this tender is the provision of security guard and reception services for the joint premises of the European Parliament Information Office and the Representation of the European Commission in Bulgaria. The building where the services will be delivered is called 'European Union House'. The Representation of the European Commission in Bulgaria, acting also on … Преглед на обществените поръчки »
Споменати доставчици: Force Delta